A quick and straightforward alternative for Firebase's deprecated Dynamic Links

Keep the functionality of your dynamic links without too much hassle
Universal Compatibility with Dynalinks
Allow users to seamlessly interact with mobile content on both iOS and Android platforms.
Effortless Integration with REST API
Create your dynamic links using our REST API or the console UI.
Seamless Transition to App Stores
If the app is not installed, users will be directed to the app store for download.
Enhanced Social Previews with Meta Tags
Dynalinks supports enhanced social previews through OpenGraph meta tags.
What's new?
Latest updates to our services
URL shortening is now available
We support URL shortening for pro project from now on.
You can shorten your links either via REST API or via UI in console page.
To shorten a link via UI, you can use the following steps:
1. Go to your project's console page.
2. Click on Links in top bar.
3. Navigate to existing link you want to shorten and click on three dots on the right side.
4. Click on Edit.
5. In the Edit link form, click on Generate next to Shortened path.
To shorten a link via REST API, you can use the following endpoint:
POST https://dynalinks.app/api/v1/short_links/
with payload:
{ "url": "https://your-project-subdomain.dynalinks.app/yourExistingLink" }
In response you will get shortened link in the following format:
{ "shortened_path": "4vsz" }
After those steps you can use your link with shortened path.
Want to read it on client side?
You can use POST /api/v1/short_links/resolve
endpoint by passing URL with shortened path:
{ url: "https://your-project-subdomain.dynalinks.app/4vsz" }
and you will get response with original link:
{ "path: "yourOriginalPath" }
More information about API are in our documentation.
Console now show stats about number of links created
We have added a new feature to the console page of your project. Now you can see statistics about your application. This includes the number of clicks, the number of unique visitors, and the number of links created. You can see this information in the Statistics tab in the console.
Right now it shows number of links created in last year but we are planning to add more features in the future. Stay tuned for more updates.
New way of passing iOS and Android apps when creating links via REST API
We have added a new way of passing iOS and Android apps information when creating links via REST API. Now you can pass the { ios_app: { id: ... } }
and { android_app: { id: ... } }
parameters in the request body. This way you can create links for your apps without the need to pass the bundle ID or package name. More information can be found in the API documentation. You can find IDs of your apps in the console page of your project under iOS Apps / Android Apps.
Custom domains support
We are happy to announce that we now support custom domains for your projects. This means that you can use your own domain to create links. This feature is available for pro projects only.
You can set it up by going to your project's console and clicking on Settings->Custom Domain. There you can add your domain and we will guide you through the process of setting it up.
New server migration
In a significant upgrade aimed at improving user experience and future-proofing its infrastructure, we have successfully migrated to a new server. This move is expected to deliver faster response times. The new server setup includes full support for IPv6, the latest Internet Protocol version.
We support deep linking on Android
Now you are able to create deferred deferred deep linking on Android by using referrer
parameter. This way, you can track the source of the install and attribute the install to the right source.
On Android you can use Play Install Referrer Library to get the referrer information.
Keep in mind that this functionality is enabled on paid projects only.
We added support for query parameters in links
Recently we discovered a bug where links having query parameters would not be recognized. Now you can put them in your links, so it can be something like /mylink?param=value
Instructions how to setup Xcode and Android Studio
We have added more detailed instructions on how to setup your Xcode and Android Studio projects to work with dynalinks.
You can find the instructions in the console page of your project under iOS Apps / Android Apps.
Skipping preview page
If you want to skip the preview page and directly move user to the app or iOS app store / Google play store, you can now add the enable_forced_redirect
parameter to your dynalink. This parameter is optional and can be set to true
or false
There is also option to set this parameter when creating link via UI in console page.
Support for manually constructed links (unnamed links)
Now, you can create links on the fly, similar to Dynamic Links, with the same parameter names as the original.
Create a dynalink by manually constructing a URL using the following format:
No registration in the console or use of our REST API is required for these links.
Special thanks to reddit user u/rockpilp for suggesting this idea. Your insight and contributions to the community are greatly appreciated!